18 November 2007

Reading theories of tourism... touring the internet... same thing.

I've got some questions I'd like answered.

1.) How does doing literary criticism fit into your personal ethics? (No, I'm not going to elaborate that question at all.)

2a.) Do you know where I can get cheap frames and mats?
2b.) Or alternately, do you know of a cheap and easy mounting technique that meets archival standards and doesn't require expensive equipment? I've got some digital prints and I could frame them, but I'm interested in learning how to mount them. I'd prefer a backing with some depth to it, not something very flat.

As a reward for answering either of these questions, check out this sweet base-jumping video. You can check it out even if you don't answer my questions, but I'm watching you. Seriously.

Happy Sunday.


Anonymous said...

1) It doesn't because I have no personal ethics. Instead of the video, how about a cookie? Like the sandwich kind with frosting in between. When and where can I pick that cookie up?


Billie J. Pilgrim said...

Oh, man, cookiesssssss... Dammit.