03 December 2006

Wisconsin snow removal = D, in danger of failing.

Wisconsin is really disappointing me so far this winter. It snowed again on Friday--and I have to say, it freaked me out, because not only did I not see it snowing, but I also didn't even know it was supposed to snow. So I woke up on Friday morning, and as I was wandering through the apartment in my sleepy state, I noticed it was a bit brighter than usual. Because there was fresh snow everywhere. I have a feeling this will become normal.

So the point is, it only snowed 2-3 inches. But yet, TWO DAYS LATER, the side streets were still totally white. I fishtailed in Erinn's car (cover your ears, E, everything's fine) while driving to my super-secret Saturday morning thing.

Come on, Wisconsin. Aren't you supposed to be, like, the champ at this sort of thing? Isn't this kind of what you DO? Who do you think you are, Delaware? Get on it.

The real temperatures have been hovering around 25/15 (high/low), and the "feels like" temperatures at around 15/0. Here we go, winter.


Anonymous said...

yeah, i totally fishtailed around on friday morning when i was trying to go to the grocery store. good thing no one drives fast round these parts.

and also, about the prodigy kid-- i am on board for the reincarnation theory, but where did the prodigyness START, if that postulate is true? i mean, theoretically, Mozart, then, would have been reincarnated from some other musical peep.

I just think maybe we know less about our brains that we think. and about our potential.

Megan said...

you basically live in sweden. that totally sucks for you. because it's pretty cold there. All the time.