15 November 2008

There it is: the Fear

I always forget how much I love the song "Senegal Fast Food" by Amadou and Mariam. It's jam-tastic.

Anyone have any ideas for what my short story should be about?

I'm leaving Madison in 32 days. Between now and then I have to buy the remaining things I need for the trip, pack my backpack, put the rest of my belongings into storage, figure out my health insurance, defer my loans, celebrate Thanksgiving, grade 53 student papers, grade 53 student exams, write a short story, and write two term papers.

Piece of cake? :/


mimo-chan said...

well, at least that makes me feel a tad better about the shit i have to do.

that said, you're you. you got this. no problem. :)

Megan said...

you win.