19 December 2007

Glorious Email Irony!

This semester has been nothing if not a series of triumphs and crushing blows to the ego. The self-esteem roller coaster that is grad school in a top 20 program has ultimately left me with one pervasive feeling: It is possible, though perhaps not likely, that I am a capable and intelligent person. I think that's what they want all of us to feel. When you brainwash someone, you have to break them down mentally and physically to the point where they're lying on the floor drooling and have completely resigned themselves to the combat boot on their windpipe. And that's where I am right now, two days left in the semester, bone tired, sick-feeling, with one last fucking paper to write, resigned to the fact that it's going to suck and the best my professors will think of me is, "Oh, her? I think I remember her. No... let's not kick her out of the program... not yet." So I'm a shivering empty vessel, which is how they've managed to implant their ideology: you're smart... maybe. I'm starting to see that the life of an academic is feeling that way forever.

Despite the fact that I've reached the 'acceptance stage,' I cannot really continue writing this post. I've finished with two classes, done all but my last touch-ups on a third, and have one entire term paper to write... by Friday. Oh, and I'm flying home Thursday. Which is tomorrow. It's gonna be a photo finish, kids. So, unless you happen to have a term paper out there on Badiou that I can have... No? Damn. In that case, I will just leave you with what I myself received this morning: a letter telling me I've been admitted to the grad program in English. Apparently my file never got processed, so just at the moment when I'm most considering quitting to become a... well, anything else, I get officially admitted. Just in time that I can't claim non-departmental status to get out of writing my papers, just in time to remind me that several months ago this was the thing I wanted most. Just in time to say, Hey, Jessie! You chose to do this for the rest of your life!

Dear Jessie,

Your request to change your major area of study to English has been approved. We have notified the Office of the Registrar to make the changes effective Fall 2007. If this information is not correct, please notify us.


Office of Graduate Admissions

...Maybe I should notify them...


Anonymous said...

Wow, all those kisses at the bottom. They really love you. I just got XOXO. (I like to think my letter also smells of cologne, but that's probably just because JL fell asleep on it while it was on top of his desk.)

mimo-chan said...

yeah, for sure. everything you said. exactly how i feel. terry's comments on my paper have only exacerbated the feeling.

Anonymous said...

dont give up! come visit chicago in january. when is ur break?

-B- said...

In a striking coincidence, I just received a letter in the mail from UW yesterday, dated June 18th, telling me I needed to approve the financial aid that made it possible for me to come or they would revoke it. It was sent to France and didn't arrive in time, and somehow they thought it was necessary to open it back at UW, read it, and put it in a brand-new envelope with my address HAND-WRITTEN on it and send it along. 5 months late. For me to receive my first finished day, when I was both so elated and so dead I wanted to weep uncontrollably.

So yes. The world hates us.