25 February 2007

A thousand rescue St. Bernards, STAT.

Last night was the snow-pocalypse. Actually, this entire weekend is the snow-pocalypse. It snowed about 5 inches on Friday night, which was somehow the perfect backdrop for my getting slightly drunk at 6pm. The Department held its annual Graduate Student Conference on Friday, and somehow I got assigned to moderate the final panel and thus give the final little talk of the day. Who.. what? Guys, I don't know if you know this, but... there are a lot more, better candidates in the graduate school for this. Like people who have been here long enough to know things about the department. But I threw down some writerly skillz on that and delivered a speech most people seemed to like. And then three pints of Bass in an hour seemed like the way to go.

Which brings me back to the snow-pocalypse. I heard it was supposed to snow a lot this weekend. Specifically, Saturday. So when I exited the City Bar on Friday evening into swirling snow, I was a little surprised. But when it had snowed 5 inches, I thought, well, I guess the snow came early. Because though we have had consistent snowfall ever since the deep freeze ended two weeks ago, we haven't really gone above 6 inches in any one snow "event."

Oh, but the snow did not come early this weekend. It came three times. Last night was the actual snow event that people had been talking about, and it snowed another 9 inches. And by tomorrow we're supposed to get another 3. All told, that makes... 18 inches.

Friday night the snow was accompanied by one of those freaky, bright, daytime skies in the middle of the night. And it was radioactive yellow. Last night the snow brought thunder and lightning and blizzard-condition winds. SWEET. Wisconsin is trying to kill me. Snow-pocalypse style.

Also, my work is trying to kill me. In my lit class we have a paper due already, which is strange, because we've only read two novels thus far, so there's not much subject matter to choose from. And while trying to accomplish this head-scratching task I have two weeks of dense theory to read for the same class. Presumably this is to help me conceptualize my paper, but I don't know how I'm going to have TIME to write a paper when I have 275 pages of Fanon to get through and another 200 of Bhabha. And then, the week AFTER the paper is due... we don't have class. What.....

But my Critical and Cultural Studies class continues to rock hard. And I have to say, what I really like about this semester is reading the big names. As opposed to reading lots of articles where people cite Foucault and Anderson and Adorno, I'm actually reading those people all semester, which is great. I feel like I'm finally building up my smart-arsenal. And someday I will blow shit up.


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